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Monday, January 14, 2013

Press Release Coalition Solidarity for National Emergency on Sexual Violence to Children and Women

Press Release 
Coalition Solidarity for National Emergency on 
Sexual Violence to Children and Women 

Indonesia Claims  

The number of sexual violence to kids and women raises from year to year. In 2012, Komisi Nasional Perlindungan Anak (KOMNAS Anak) or National Commission on Children Rights accepted 2.637 report cases on violence to children. 62% out of the number were sexual violence and  82% of the victim children were from poor families. 

Ironically, most of perpetrators of sexual violence are people from their surroundings namely biological parents, step parents, brothers, uncles, school teachers, spiritual teachers, driver, gardener, neighbors and local sellers. 

The report number raised compared 2010, there were 2,426 cases, 42 % out of the number was sexual violence. In 2011, there were 2,509 cases violence on children, 58% were sexual violence. The others were physically and physiologically violence. On the other hand, Komnas Perempuan (National Commission on Women’s Rights) recorded hundred violence cases experienced by women. 

RI (initial name of victim) was 11 years old, grade 5 elementary school and from poor family experienced repetitive sexual violence. The death of RI on 6 January 2013 was the real proof of sexual violence problems in Indonesia and should be the deepest concern for Indonesia proved that the trending number of cases in the last 3 years should be ended.  

Due to that, Coalition Solidarity for National Emergency on Sexual Violence to Children and Women that consists of some Civil Societies Organizations determine that 2013 as the Year of Emergency National of on Sexual Violence to Children and Women.  

To develop a children and women protection system in Indonesia and solidarity to sexual violence victims, Coalition Solidarity for National Emergency on Sexual Violence to Children and Women:
1. To ask and demand all the nation elements to take part in fighting and stopping sexual violence to children and women.
2. To ask and demand government to guarantee law protection to children and women through enhancing the year of punishment sentence. The perpetrators should be punished minimum 20 years and maximum whole life sentence.
3. To ask and demand the Chief of Police of Republic Indonesia to more enhance their service, more pay attention and provide special assessment to cases of sexual violence to children and women.
4. To ask and demand government to develop a children and women protection system in Indonesia.

Jakarta, 13th January 2013
On behalf of  
Coalition Solidarity for National Emergency on 
Sexual Violence to Children and Women

Arist Merdeka Sirait

Partipant CSOs

1. Komisi Nasional Perlindungan Anak (Komnas Anak) – National Commission on Children Rights

2. Teater Kinasih

3. STIKES MH Thamrin (STIKES = High Education on Health) MH Thamrin

4. Yayasan Sahabat Anak (Children Friends Foundation)

5. BEM F-Psikologi UI (Student Union of Psychology of University of Indonesia)

6. Yayasan Putri Indonesia (Indonesian Princess Foundation)

7. Solidaritas Perempuan (Women Solidarity)

8. Komunitas Psikologi Indonesia (Indonesian Psychology Community)

9. JKLPK Indonesia

10. Pusat Edukasi dan Advokasi Anak Indonesia (Center of Education and Advocacy Indonesian Children)

11. YDBA Sekar Melati Femina

12. Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia (Coalition of Indonesian Women)

13. Majalah Kartini, a leading women magazine

14. Yayasan KDM

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