Panitia Pengawas Pemilu (Panwaslu) DKI Jakarta, Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), Jaringan Pemantau Pemilu untuk Rakyat (JPPR), Perkumpulan untuk Pemilu dan Demokrasi (Perludem) dan Komite Independen Pemantau Pemilu Jakarta (KIPP) Jakarta.
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The campaign was held on Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, Central Jakarta. I am on the left. |
- Money politics is a serious threat for democracy. Law no. 32/2004 on Local Government gives a strict sanction regarding money politics. The participation of candidate couple can be canceled in the respective election if they are proven to exercise money politics. (Article 82)
- Many participants, both parties and candidates, of election (national and local) in some regions don’t know and realize the existence of Article 82 Law no. 32/2004, because money politics practices are still exercised here and there.
- National or Local elections are instruments to upheld democracy in Indonesia. This procedure of democracy requires logic voters to choose leaders who can fulfill their hope.
- The logic voter won’t sell their freedom with some money.
- The logic voters will collect information of each respective candidate as much as possible. It includes the vision, mission and programs in order to have preference on voting day.
- Panwaslu DKI with ICW, JPPR, KIPP Jakarta, and Perludem need to use this moment, the governor election of DKI Jakarta 2012, for Anti Money Politics Campaign.
- The big and fast of cash flow in DKI Jakarta can be misused for money politics, especially in this governor election. It is a need to change the previous jargon:”Take The Money”, to stop money politics practices that can destroy democracy and society. Herewith, we declare the new jargon: “Don’t take the money, don’t vote for that candidate”.
- Next, Panwaslu, ICW, JPPR, KIPP Jakarta and Perludem ask the society to take a part in this campaign: “Stop Money Politics: Don’t take the money, don’t vote for that Candidate”. People shall report all events that assumed to be money politics to Panwaslu DKI Jakarta during this governor election process.
Note from me as the blogger as well the translator:
I realize some sentences or terms in this article do not correct at all, e.g. regarding the term of laws and politics. I will find out later the terms, and make a correction soon.
Note dari penulis :
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